Sunday, August 30, 2009

Games Overs..Onwards to Australia

Games are done. I am in Brisbane. Hanging out with a friend. Tomorrow I will be heading to Fraser Island. It's a wilderness there.

Last night we had gala. It was great. Everyone dress up and we say our last good bye.

Yesterday, I petted a Koala bear, kangeroos and see a lot of local wildlife. Took lots of pictures.

Will give u guys an update when I come back.

:D Thanks for all the support.

Sick Kids of Toronto brought a team to the games and had a diary. Check out Sun Aug 23. I was quoted:

Cliff, who is a seasoned triathlete, stated last night “I’m used to the slow, steady pace of the Iron I’m afraid for the race tomorrow...I can’t handle 5 km pain!!” Obviously, he could handle it very well, and he gave all the spectators a thrill with his final sprint to the finish! Cliff is also a “SickKids graduate”, as he received his liver transplant at SickKids in the early 1990’s.

Note to self: Need to say something more intelligent next time around.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the pics, Cliff!

Brent Buckner said...

Glad you're getting so much out of the Games and the Island Continent!

ShirleyPerly said...

Ooh, petting a koala -- priceless!! Looking forward to the pics.

elaine s said...

you're famous!

Michael said...

Congratulations Cliff, it sounds like you're having a lot of well earned fun... good for you!

Enjoy winter:)

Rachel said...

What a great way to give back, Cliff. That's awesome. Must be a great experience.

PS--I want to pet a Koala!!!