Sunday, July 01, 2007

Out of service..

Quick post. That's what I am right now.

With my bike in the shop, I borrowed my friend's mtb bike. I was hitting the trails and flipped and landed on my right shoulder. It is aching a lot. I've iced it, massage it and taken ibuprofen to keep the swelling down.

I can't rotate my right arm. All forms of exercise is off.

I was concerned about swimming b/c my lack of open swim this year (only swim once).

On the plus least i got all my teeth and no broken bones. I am also three weeks away from Ironman USA. Not like a week.

We shall see how my healing progresses. Worst case is to bail on the race.

How do I feel? I thought about Spokane Al when he bailed IM CDA a while ago. There is always another race. I might go down to cheer and signed up for 2008.

There was a story about a pro who was injured before heading to Kona in Breakthrough Triathlon Training. As an Ironman athlete, you base your income on one to two races. And Kona is always the big one. To go there injured and enjoy his time. Wow, what a good atitude to live by.

I am also raising money for kids with cancer.

I am part of Race4kids. A team that is raising money for POGO (Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario).

When I was 11 I was diagnosed with a liver tumour. I am the one of the lucky ones who had a liver transplant. And now look, I am as healthy as I can be...a definite miracle!

My coach organized the team b/c his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia when she was two. She is expected to recover fully by 2008. When I read about her and her family travel down to Sick Kids Hospital, it reminded me of my trips with my parents.

The early morning drive in the quiet streets.
The long line up in the waiting room....
The positive attitude of the nurse and doctors...

If u are interested on helping me (actually not me but the kids with cancer), go to , look for my name (Cliff Tam) and drop some change. Every bits counts.

Thanks a lot :)

I am going to bed now..have a great weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Cliff!!!

Take care, and best wishes for a very fast healing process.

Try to enjoy your Canada Day.

ShirleyPerly said...

OH NO!!!

But with nothing broken or seriously injured, hopefully the swelling will go down in a few days and you'll be just fine. A lot can change in 3 weeks ...

Keep thinking positive!

Brent Buckner said...

Healing wishes!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

OH NO!!!!!

I hope everything heels up nice and quickly!! You seem to be very resiliant in regards to recovery anyways!!

Tri-Dummy said...

Getting closer! IM USA, here Cliff comes!

Kewl Nitrox said...

Cliff, I will be praying for you. If He wants you to do this, He will heal you in time and give you the grace and peace to do so. Rest in peace, my brother.

Hope my tiny contribution helps fuel your energy and dedication to IM USA.

D said...

I hope you recover quickly and still do your race.

Spokane Al said...

Good luck on the healing buddy. I am sure you will get better at a faster pace than this old guy.

Thomas said...

Never mind your shoulder. Is the bike ok?

Just kidding. Glad you seem to be ok. Take it as an opportunity to rest and recover. Come IM day this accident will not count.

Jeremy said...

Heal fast Cliff! We've got 20 days left.

Anonymous said...

Sending healing thoughts your way.

Rae said...

Oh man!! Rest up and keep icing. A lot can heal in 3 weeks!! AND STAY OFF THE MTN BIKES!!!

Robin said...


Before you start thinking about bailing, there are three weeks left. You are thankfully in taper mode anyway, so take this time to heal, think positively, and re-assess later and do what you need to do. If you don't do it this year, then, YES! you should still come down and cheer with me! But, right now, I am staying positive while you spend some time healing and I plan on cheering FOR you not WITH you. Keep us all updated regularly. Keep up with teh massage. Prior to the Boston marathon, with my two big injuries (one a month away from the marathon, remember) my massage therapist helped me so much, he was definitely one of the reasons I could race that day. Rest, pray, think positively, and heal!

Peter Lawson said...

Hey Cliff

Hope you're enjoying the long weekend.

Folks are right, you still have lots of time to heal up.

You'll be good to go mate.


Joyce said...

take care of yourself!

I hope you have a speedy recovery :)

Phil said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. I'm sure you'll be 110% for the big day. At least you still got your teeth!