I have some crazy idea for this weekend training. It is crazy. Just wait till Sun when I report my weekly training...
For the past two years since the bike accident, I have been wearing a denture. Today, I don't have to anymore. The top front teeth are part of a bridge.

Your friends know you when they get you this for your b-day. Does anyone know what movie this shirt comes from?

Your friend also knows you when she gets you a bouqet of borrcoli for your b-day. Thanks Elaine. I ate it and it was good. Good for the body and good for the soul....

What movie is that from? "Popeye?" Or "Revenge of the Killer Yams?"
Or "Yam Coming for YOU...Get Outta Town!"
Actually, Popeye is my best guess. Didn't it go something like: "I yam what I yam...I'm Popeye the Sailor Man?"
Anyway -- nice teeth. Great smile! Keep smilin' like that during your IM run & you'll be fine!
ha ha Kewl...i beat you this time!
A bouquet of broccoli. Now that is really funny!
Great smile, and great friends, Cliff. They just go together, don't they?
I love your new smile Cliff..:-))
No idea. Dont feel bad, my 2 front teeth are fake. Happy belated b-day. You should put the broccoli in a vase of hollendiase sauce.
Congrats on the dental work and happy belated birthday!
Happy b-day, Cliff!
And nice looking chompers you've got there, too!
Show those pearly whites, Cliff!
Okay, so I totally love that shirt!
That's one bouquet I'll gladly take! I usually tell my husband please don't spend money on flowers because they just look pretty for a while and then die.
Nice chompers, too, BTW :-D
Happy birthday!
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