Friday, March 02, 2007


Wednesday was my last day of work. Was it ever busy. For the past week I have been documenting my responsibility. Tedious.

Someone once said to make the best situation you are in and going along with Gordo's finish strong mentality, even at my last day I was talking to a supplier to negotiate a better deal. The feeling of doing more is always there...

I was focused on training my coworkers my tasks that mentally I didn't realize I won't be coming back. That is until I leave the office for the last time.

So this is it...I was already in the job hunting, resume sending mode.

How often do life throw you a curve ball...

Next week, my dad is going back to Hong Kong for my grandma's funeral. My mom will be going back later in March to visit her mom. If there is a time to go, it is now.

I can go to my grandma's funeral and visit relatives. Take a little break.

It is March break season and tickets were hard to grab...luckily, I was able to snag one.

I was told that I am impulsive. Maybe. But it just make so much sense.

There are a number of things to work out...

How do I train an Ironman oversea? Simple, find a gym.
Where do I ride bike for 3-4 hours? Probably not gonna happen. I will aim for 2 hr bike + 2 hr run.
What about job hunting? Easy, online.
Will they able to contact me? Yes, leave the cell phone on.

Side note: My blood result from Mon came back. All is good. Liver number is back to normal. It hasn't been normal since Aug 2005. Normal is never better...


Robin said...

Impulsive? One might say, no. You saw the opportunity, it felt right or good to you, and you went with the opportunity. I think it is exactly right! It sounds like you have a good plan around it all, too. I am so glad to hear that your number came back good.

Spokane Al said...

It sounds to me like you have a very solid plan.

Anonymous said...

Cliff -- I'm thinking that's not impulive, more like grabbing opportunity's hand to shake it when it comes knocking ...

(Great news on the bloodwork!)

Duane said...

Glad to see the report was good!

Dances with Corgis said...

Ugh, trying to document your job is the pits. At least you don't have to train your replacement, that is pretty tedious as well.

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip. It may have been impulsive, but I think it is important to grab those opportunities when they come and make the best of them. My prayers are with you and your family.

brendaj said...

Sounds like divine timing...I hope your trip and job-hunting goes well!

Kewl Nitrox said...

Normal is great indeed! Praise God! He is our only healer, the doctors and medication just help us along. :)

Email me your schedule, maybe we can find some excuse to meet up in Hong Kong or Singapore. :) You just missed the Hong Kong marathon yesterday! :D

Bullet said...

To read about your training regime, it's easy to forget what you've been through in the past. You go so much harder than most. It's a testament to first of all God's faithfulness, but also your hard work. Congrats on the liver results.

Rae said...

Training overseas will probably even make you stronger at adapting to different climates!

Have a safe trip and I hope you can still post from there!

Fe-lady said...

I say it was written in the stars that you go...the time is right and no it's not impulsive! You have a plan! Have fun and don't feel guilty!

Brent Buckner said...

Good choice to grab an opportunity. All the best for safe travels - oh yeah, and for holding onto your aerobic base!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

I found your blog randomly. I just want to say that your blog is truly inspiring and it is refreshing to see people in this day and age with a positive attitude. Good luck in training for your triathalon. I'll do one someday.


Mike said...

Cliff- acting on impulse is good. You only live once right!?! Enjoy yourself in HK and keep us posted.

AWESOME news on the test results brother!

Comm's said...

you didn't say when you were leaving for China but have fun. I don't suppose its going to be Hong Kong your going to but there are several American style gyms there. Not sure about mainland China.