Friday, January 12, 2007

Where in the world is the Christian Triathlete?

Just give a quick shout.

Things have been busy at work.
Things have been busy with my fellowship.
Last week I trained 16 hr. This week I will be training about 8 hr.
I got a coach and we talk and I am taking his finisher program.
He is forming a team to do IMUSA and raising money for kids with cancer.
Because of the team, the program he set up is a template format.
I will ask him to change a bit to fit my experience.
But for now, 8 hr a week is 8 hr a week.
It is still early in the season. No need to tune up the training.
His daughter, two years old, has leukemia.
I am picking up my spinerval DVDs tonight :).

Will explain more this weekend. Things will be less heretic.


:) said...

Hey Cliff..... Breathe.

Anonymous said...

That's a good cause to train for. Take it easy Cliff.

Anonymous said...

You sound a little overwhelmed. Maybe it is a good thing that the training volume is down from your last week.

Anonymous said...

How nice to have a reason like that to train for. It should be like always being focused and enjoying the gift of being able to train while others can't enjoy health and at the same time help them... will you join this group?
Yes, more about it....

Anonymous said...

God bless your coach and his daughter.

Oh yeah... you too, Cliff.

Stay tuned...

Rae said...

It sounds like you have been busy with lots of good things! Keep up the training!

Anonymous said...

What Boomer said ...

Anonymous said...

Take it easy Cliff, we will be right here when you get back. :)

Anonymous said...

Deep breath in and relax! You sound like I feel right now - super busy!

Anonymous said...

16 hours is some big time work for a week. Take care of yourself and take a deep breath. You'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

16 hours is some big time work for a week. Take care of yourself and take a deep breath. You'll be fine.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cliff- hope things slow down for ya! I hope you took advantage of that 8 hour week to relax a bit!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Okay, I haven't been here for a bit and yep life gets hectic, so when we need a break its good to take one.

Good luck with your coach. Will you be putting up a link where your friends can contribute?

Take care.

Anonymous said...

We MISS you!

Anonymous said...

Tough week...16 hours.

Let us know how it is your bible study going?

Anonymous said...

You're right, it's still practically the off-season. The training will ramp up soon enough. Enjoy the relative lay-off while it lasts.

Robin said...

I understand. Breathe. I am trying to here, too. Good for you for fund raising while you are training. It's not easy but very commendable. I agree that the fund raising is harder. It takes up A LOT of your time. But I feel that you will have an easier time fund raising that you think.