Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What keeps you going?

Here are a number of things that I have been thinking and rethinking to keep my mind and my emotion in control. I have a really good from Gordo in (read here). Will talk about that tomorrow.

I thought about the days in winter when I get up at 5 am in the morning to go run in the cold. Or the times I get up and walked to the pool in a snow storm and the only one in the pool struggling to swim.

I visualized my last (or first) tri race last year. I was smooth. I was in control.

I thought about the commitment that my friends and love ones made along the way. Sis lending me the car for the weekend so I can race. Edward told me he would come to see me race in IMLP 2007 (no excuse now). Family friend, with cancer, told me he would come to see me race IMLP 2007 as well. My friend, Len, willing to sacrifice his precious weekend to come to my A races to be my photographer.

I thought about the struggles and pain that others have gone through. The kids in the hospital. They don’t have the opportunity or a choice to go outside.

I thought about the pain that I have gone through. The rain, the wind, the heat, the cold. I must be kinda stupid to go run in winter time.

I thought about the hills, the climbs. The endless up and downs.

I thought about the life that God gave me and the ability for me to tri.

I thought about the wetsuit that Mike gave me. It would be very silly to have a wetsuit and back out on doing a tri. (I love to play logic to trick my brain into something it doesn't want to).

I thought about the doubts, the fear, the question. If I have to put everything into this, where will I go?

I thought about the pain and sacrifice I made along the way. Now is time to see the fruit of the training and there is no way I am going to back out now. NO WAY.


Trisaratops said...

Great post, Cliff! Can't wait to hear about this Sunday's race!

Habeela said...

What a great post! All of those things will carry you across the finish line this weekend. It's going to be great!

Hilda said...

All that fantastic work will make you enjoy a fantastic race,

Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great reminders to keep you motivated. I know you will do well.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Great thoughts!