Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Canada Day

Got up at 6 something to meet up with Darren and a few tri boys for an open water swim.
Swim for 30-40 min. My left shoulder was tight.
Went home, ride for 40 min. Just holding a HIM pace. Because of the holiday, the road has no cars....nice!
Then ran down the street (400m) to grab a newspaper.

Now eating breakfast....scramble eggs plus cheese with ham and grounded pepper...very good...

comatose..need to get up and enjoy the holidays...

Tapering is going ok. Quads are stiffer than expected. Good to see Darren again. Three more days till I will be rocking Half Ironman at Peterborough...


Anonymous said...

Good start to the day! Enjoy it!

Michael said...

Good luck this weekend.

ShirleyPerly said...

Yes, good luck on your race. Look forward to reading how it goes!