Tuesday, June 16, 2009


- Guelph Olympic Tri this Sun. My first tri for the season.
- I have 8 days before I taper for Half Ironman Peterborough (July 5th). This week packing a lot of double sessions and a few nice hard sessions :) (hill repeats, miles repeat etc.)
- I feel stronger on the bike. However, looks can be deceiving. Will see whether those big gear grinding sessions are paying off.
- My cat was sick yesterday. He stopped eating and drinking. Will bring him to the vet today after work.
- I finalize all my payments to the Australia Transplant Games in Aug. Will now figure out how to bring bike over and where to go in New Zealand.
- Got a lot of friends getting into running and triathlon (Anners).

- for now...train, train, train, eat and rest.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cat Cliff -- good luck at the vet's.

Have fun in Guelph!

Are you starting to get excited about Australia & New Zealand?

ShirleyPerly said...

Good luck on Sunday!

Hope your cat is OK. No fun to have a sick pet.

Shelley said...

Best of luck to you!

Steven said...

Take the "Lord of the Rings" tour when you are NZ. I've heard it is wonderful!

Michael said...

Good luck at the Half, looking forward to hearing all about it! Have fun and race with a hint of madness in your eyes.

brendaj said...

That's a full schedule you have. I hope you have a great time out there and that your cat gets better soon!