Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Tri

There was a Valentine Tri at one of the local University. I was planning to go. It is based on time and not distance. For each leg (swim, bike and run), you have 15 min. They measure the distance and give you points depend on how much you covered.

I was thinking about entering that. Then thought, if I do that, I might as well do it on my own. I can go much longer than that.

This morning, I got up and went to the Y. I did a 1,000 m time trial. It was a bit tough as there were two swimmers in my lane. They were taking their time and I had to do my best to dodge time.

I took a look at my time.


My first 500 m was 11:17 and second was 9:05. Sweet. That's negative split.

I did a 1 km back in Jan 02 and it was 22 min.

So there is some improvement. I hadn't been to the pool for a while and thought I wasn't getting better. During the time trial, I focus on breathing. I am pretty happy. My swimming level is about on par as of 2007 at my peak in my Ironman training. Now let's see how much improvement can I go as the season moves forward.

I did something pretty stupid. I bought a box of fig bar. I was munching on them before the bike and had to bail after an hour on it. Nuts!

I guess Valentine for me is pretty quiet :). No one I am particular interest in. Though I spent the dinner with my sister. Even though we live in the same house, it is often that I am off. Either training or out. It was nice to catch up. Mom's b-day is coming up and we are planning something for her (I hope she doesn't read my blog :P).

I know I haven't keep up to date on the blog as I should have. Work and life got busy. Though I am meaning to share more.

Oh yeah, Around the Bay (30 k run race) is two weeks away. And I AM in no shape :). I think I will be facing a lot of pain :P.

Well..going to go now...I will end off with a story I found online. It is called, Love in the Time of Prostate Cancer.


Anonymous said...

Nice negative split, Cliff. That second 500 was 1:49/100!

Unknown said...

Have fun with the run around the bay.

ShirleyPerly said...

Yes, an impressive second half on that swim!

Good luck with the 30K. Your no shape is good shape to most people, I'll bet.