Sunday, October 19, 2008

Toronto Marathon Aftermath (quickie)

Today I ran free. Free of expectations. Free of fear. Free of self doubt and free of regret.

I was gunning for 3:45..I finished with a 3:39.

Negative split the last half.

My marathon pace was 5:20 min/k. The last 10 km I was running at 52 min (almost 5 min/k).

Now I have trouble sitting down and walking down stairs. Going to shower and take a nap. A proper race report will come soon....

Thanks for reading and cheering me on.


Anonymous said...


Born To Endure said...

Whaaaaat..that's awesome! Way to go.

ShirleyPerly said...

TERRIFIC race, Cliff! Try walking down stairs backwards. It's usually easier than forwards. Look forward to the report!

William said...

Way to go Ciff. Rest up and apply oil to affected joints.

Donald said...

Awesome job, Cliff! Get some rest and then give us some details.

Unknown said...

Awesome! Looking forward to the longer race report. :-)

Michael said...


I don't know what to say, what a great race. It's always such a happy feeling to surpass your own expectations. All your hard work and training paid off. I'm looking forward to hearing about the race... until then, rest up and recover well!

Thomas said...

Well done Cliff, that's better than what I thought you would be able to achieve. I'm very impressed. Congratulations.

Be especially proud of the negative splits!

Phil said...

Jeepers! That's FaSSSSSt!

jameson said...

awesome man! congrats! now enjoy some recovery!

Anonymous said...


Steven said...

Excellent job, Cliff!
Congrats and enjoy the rest.

Boris T said...

Great stuff! I know how you feel not being able to go down stairs and what not.


Rae said...

Way to go!!!! That's an awesome time!