Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is anyone home?

Hey everyone, it seems like I have disappeared from here.

I have been busy. Since I got back from the Transplant Games, I have been busy training.

Toronto Marathon is coming in Mid October and I have been getting in shape. It took about two months of running to get my legs back. This week my training is great. If you look at my training log, I have been running every week and my key runs (tempo, hill and long run) have been superb.

I am also excited in seeing a few of my friends jump on the endurance wagon. Yesterday, my triathlon world and my friends world collided. I had three friends who did their first triathlon. It was a try-a-tri at Guelph. I got there a bit there so I miss them on the swim. I saw them on the bike and cheered for them on the run.

It brought back a lot of memories of my first tri. It was great to cheered for them and see all of them cross the finish line. They are already talking about what they need to work on and how they can do better..haha...I guess once u are hooked on tri, u cannot go back :)

Dan, Mark and Lisa showing off their guns after completing their first tri.
Me and Dan. I know him since highschool. He is one of my close friends.

At the same time, I am helping a friend train for her first half marathon. Her long run become my easy run. So we run together on Sat morning.

I still intend to finish my memories from the Transplant Games....hope everyone has a great weekend.


PhotoDAD said...

Hey Cliff - do you all celebrate "labor day"...we have an extra day off and i'm excited about that!

Cliff said...

Hi Photodad,

I do too. :)

Darren said...

Nice job making the trek out to cheer your friends for their first try-a-tri!

If I had know you were going to be there, I would have stuck around.

Glad to hear your marathon training is progressing well. Cheers.

jameson said...

way to get out there and support! Keep this sport/lifestyle growing!

I can't wait to read about the mary!

WildWill said...

Glad to here your training is going well

I have always wanted to do Toronto Marathon .. but it works out expensive from here ... one day hopefully

Anonymous said...

Cliff, I'm sure your enthusiasm at the try-a-tri was just infectious!

Glad to hear the marathon training is proceeding apace.

ShirleyPerly said...

Great to hear the key workouts have been going well. I'm sure you'll set a PR at the October marathon. And wonderful that your friends have gotten into tris too!

Thomas said...

Cliff, to answer your question about hydration:

I usually don't drink anything during a training run. I drink as much water as I can handle immediately before going out, and that will sustain me for the majority of my runs. If I run longer than 15 miles I usually run a loop that will bring me back to my driveway and pick up a bottle of water there. Having said that, on several occasions I have run even 22 miles without any drink, and not felt any worse for it. The Irish weather doesn't necessitate a lot of fluid replacement.

Rachel said...

Awesome. It's neat to reflect on where we've been.