Saturday, May 10, 2008


I went to the dentist today and he had to re-fill two fillings. He asked me what kind of hard things I have been eating.

I thought about it a while. The only thing that is hard is almonds. I eat a whole load of them. He said, 'yeah they are hard'.

So after shelling out 324 dollars to my dentist. I have one word. Nuts!!!

Note: My company covers 80% ain't all that bad :)


anners said...

I love almonds. And cashews. Mmmmm, protein...

ShirleyPerly said...

Wow, that's almost the price of an IM race! You must love almonds.

brendaj said...

Hmm, I had to refill a filling recently too! I can't think of what hard foods I've eaten though.