Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Hike...

If you see my training log (lower right column), you will see that I haven't been active for the holidays.

On Tuesday, I spent an enjoyable evening with my cousins. Our family had a tradition to go to them during Christmas. My cousins were about my age. The older one got marry in Sept and I checked out their new condo.

It was nice to hear how they are doing. We ended the night watching movies and playing Wii. When you have four guys who play a lot of video games, it can become very competitive. My right arm is still sore from that night.

Yesterday, as everyone was busy shopping, I headed out for a run/hike. I needed it. All the busy-ness from the holidays, I needed the solitude.

I went along Credit River trail. During summer, I ran there all the time.

It is rare to find a good trail living in the suburbs. Because the trail is situated along the river, it is naturally a ravine. This is great as it blocks the city noise.

Due to the flunctuation of warmer and cooler weather, the trail became icy. There was a portion of downhill where I fell on my butt and let myself slide down.

I am blessed to see three deers. I spotted one on the other side of the river stopping to get a drink. He saw me instantly. As I moved closer, I noticed he had two other companions. They looked small. I suspect they were not fully grown. Two of them had antlers.

It made me happy to see such wildlife in the city.

I whistled to get their attention. In turn, they run away. As they galloped, their tails were white. So I figure they were white tail buck.

As I left the trail, a car got stuck in the parking lot. It took me and two other guys to push the car out of the snow.

I went home and spent 30 min riding on the Dual :). It felt nice.

Been thinking and reflecting the past year and the coming year.

I am grateful for having a great holiday. It ended just as fast as it begins.


E-Speed said...

The holidays never last as long as we'd like!

Sounds like a beautiful hike!

Comm's said...

see real wildlife is a true glory. I get to see coyote and wild horses and many other creatures.

brendaj said...

I love seeing deer on my favorite running trail.

Tri-Dummy said...

I love seeing deer on runs, too.

I REALLY enjoy seeing them during hunting season.


Oly said...

Dummy! lol!

Yeah I hear you on the solitude. Noise (I mean family) is nice and I miss it when it's gone but solitude has a nice ring as well sometimes.

Born To Endure said...

Happy New years to you Cliff.

Robin said...


Ellie Hamilton said...

What a lovely hike! I felt like I was there, and would have liked to be!

Happy New year!