Thursday, July 12, 2007

Taper, numbers and other stuff...

i) Tapering is getting to me more than I thought. Last night at prayer meeting, I was not in a good mood.

ii) This morning I did a 20 min run on the treadmill before heading off to work (we had a 7:00 am breakfast quarterly meeting). It felt weird. My lower back was aching a bit. I figured that is from the taper too. Note: Shelley posted that when we taper we might have some pain we don't have during training.

iii) I got my bib for Ironman USA. 280. I put down my job as "Professional Spandex Wearer". I guess people at Ironman didn't have a sense of humor. They put my occupation as Fashion. Too bad :)

iv) On Running Room Forum, Ultramike made a post wishing for my quick recovery. One of the comment made was that when I did my marathon in 2005, I had a bike accident 4 weeks out. Coincidence??? :) (Ultramike, if you are reading this..thanks for the concern)

v) Last month, I was contacted by Brad Bloom. He publishes an online newsletter, Faith and Fitness Magazine. He grabbed one of my posts for his June/July edition.

vi) A number of you have donated to under my name. Thanks a lot.

vii) Also a number of you have emailed me and posted comments to encourage me on this journey. Thanks a lot on that as well.

viii) Shoulder is much better. I am seeing the specialist tomorrow and see if I need more treatment. I can rotate it 360 :D.

Shirley, I re-read my "You are going to fail " post. Thanks. Either I drop 100% or I don't bother starting this journey at all.


Anonymous said...

Good news on the shoulder, the post for Faith & Fitness, race4kids, and your new career in fashion!

elaine s said...

i'm going to call you a Fashionista from now on!

Robin said...

Great news on the 360 rotation, as well as the fact that you are offically a published author :-)

However, I have to admit that I LOVE the story about your new profession! You little fashion plate, you!

Unknown said...

You are ready! The best thing about this race is once it starts all those little pains and doubts go away. Taper messes with your mind. Just try to relax and I'll see you at Lake Placid in a few days!!!

Unknown said...

I don't know what is funnier - your professed job as "Professional Spandex Wearer". or their interpretation to mean "Fashion" Gives me a giggle just thinking about it:)

ShirleyPerly said...

Fashion, ha! I love it.

Glad to hear the shoulder is better. Adrenaline is hell of a pain-killer and you'll have plenty of it on race day. I'll be rooting for you from Kona -- GO 280 !!!

Unknown said...

Thank you Mr. Professional Spandex Wearer for your blog. I wish you the best in the coming days for Lake Placid. So you're from Canada? I am bummed because registration for IM Canada is now only being taken in-person. No more online. Bummer. Well, guess us Californians will have a more difficult time racing up north. :(

Hebrews 12:1
Team Hope Triathlete Member

Brent Buckner said...

Go #280!

Dances with Corgis said...

"professional spandex wearer?!?!" hahahahaha :)

I love it!

Too funny. cliff, you're ready! Can't wait to cheer you on there!

Duane said...

Good luck Cliff!

TriDaddy said...

Good luck Cliff! You'll do great!

Kewl Nitrox said...

Hey fashion model,

Ouch that shoulder looks bad, but Praise God that He is healing you!

I got my own minor shoulder injury this week with the O.D. Tri 2 weeks out. Not too fussed about it though, since I am already into taper next week.

Given that I was doing less than half your training volume, I am hoping that the taper won't get to me. :-)

Jennifer P said...

It's shaping up to be a fantastic next few weeks for you (taper aside).

Eric said...

I'll be looking for your number during the race. When crazy fans are yelling "Go Clif" it just may be me cheering you on to the finish.

Good luck next weekend.

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Hey Spandex Wearer... I was a Carpool Driver at one, and a Smokin' Hot Nascar Wife at another... my friend Tim was jst a Leaf Raker for Zurich...
In the US, they are starting to announce the professions more as people cross the finish line. I think Mike Reilly has caught on at last...
Way to have fun!

Smile said...

I was wondering why your occupation was "fashion"!