Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life and Health

There are times when you have to forget about the past and move forward.
There are also times in order to move forward you have to dig around the past.

Is it a haunting past? A bad childhood experience? No. It is about my liver transplant. The operation I had at 10 and became normal ever since.

For that, I am grateful and humble by the experience. I am thankful for the Lord looking after me the whole time.

I am also thankful for discovering the sport of triathlon. It flipped my lifestyle inside out and upside down.

From a person who focus on going out and eating junk food, I have transformed into the fittest and more essential, the heathiest body I ever have or imagine.

The liver transplant continues to remind me how precious life is. Grace is being healthy.

I am currently taking medications for my transplant. The meds keep my body from rejecting my liver. It also has a number of side effects. One of the concern is the damages that it does to the kidney. My doc told me that my kidneys are running at 90%. On occasion, I have high blood pressure.

How long will they last for? 17 years since the surgery, I am still good. How about the next 5, 10, 20, 30 years? Will my kidneys and liver hold out? What type of complications I would be facing?

So the digging starts. Starting with medical reports and the drugs description. What's my kidney and liver numbers like? Are they normal? Was there study done on long term survival rate? I am meeting with my transplant doc this coming Mon and questions will be ask.

Am I afraid of my own mortality? No. Jesus is my savouir.

My parents should have lost a son 17 years ago. And here I still am. That's bonus in my books.

I eat and live a healthy lifestyle for my triathlon performance. Now the stake is much higher. It is for my future family. My kids and the significant other. It ain't just about me no more.

On one hand I can tell you I am screaming with anxiety.
On the other, I can tell you I am passionate. Passionate in finding out what I can do right now to lay a steady path for the future. One brick at a time. One yard at a time.


Steven said...

Excellent post, Cliff. You are an inspiration to all cancer survivors everywhere.

Heck, I've never had it (Praise God) but you inspire me nonetheless.

God speed, my friend.

Bolder said...

we're glad for those 17 years too.

Trisaratops said...

You are awesome.

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

The God that counts hairs on your head and swallows in the air watches over you now.

You lived strong before "Live Strong" was a catch phrase. Your story is a sentance trailing on a page...unwritten.

Brent Buckner said...

It seems to me that you're sharing the blessing by living your life as you do.

Thomas said...

I had no idea you would still have to take medicine to keep your body from rejecting the transplant, 17 years later.

I really had no idea.

I admire your determination to make the best out of your situation. Your gifted second life might be hard on your kidneys, but it definitely improved your mental attitude towards a positive outlook.

Robyn said...

None of us knows what life will bring. Here's to living life to the fullest - everyday. Thanks for this reminder.

JC said...

You know what I find most striking about your post? You will probably outlive so many of us that have been blessed with good health thus far and then turn a blind eye to the possibility of anything happening. We skate by on luck (remember the story of Jim Fixx) and expect it to continue. Your liver transplant keeps you grounded in the reality of yourself. Like I said, you will outlive many of us I am sure because you take the time to watch and safeguard the gift you have... your second shot. so many of us don't safeguard the gift we have of the first shot at it.

Love your post as always Cliff.

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration!

Bonbon said...

are you ok now? I know we haven't talked talked...

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
it's only fuel said...

I think that our purpose is to live each day as it comes to it's fullest. I think you're doing that and as long as you can look at your life and feel happy about what you've accomplished, you have done a fantastic thing.

Be grateful for your life and you'll always be rewarded. 17 years is only the beginning:)

Robin said...

Cliff, it is always inspriing to read what you have to say. I look forwrad to reading what you have to say each week.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I am honored.

Anonymous said...

Cliff, doing the research and understanding possible outcomes is a great approach. Knowledge = power. Asking the questions means searching for the right solutions. Good for you for taking the bull by the horns! (I actually print out a list of my concerns and questions and take it to the medic so I don't forget something important.)

I believe having to face our own mortality is a gift. We can evaluate our lives with a different perspective. We can look at our decisions and assess whether we are on the right path.

Good luck on Monday! We'll be thinking of you.

DV said...

your psyche is integral to your body function, in sickness and in health. it seems like you've got yours mastered... awesome!

Comm's said...

I also have a kidney that is weak thanks to Heat Stroke. Now in extreme heat I have to be very careful about my core temp or my kidneys start to fail and my urine gravity goes way up, then the chain reactions start.

This is no where near the concerns you have on a daily basis and you are blessed for every day you have here on earth to preach the Good News.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Wow. Just, wow. Thank you, Jesus, that this man is my friend.

Habeela said...

What a great visit to the doctor! You inspire us all.