Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Walk the talk.

Last night I talked to my mom about my theory on healthy living:

- sleep 7-8 hr a day
- eat as much veges and fruits as you can
- reduce as much fast food and junk as you can
- keep your life stress free (don't cramp with too much activities)

She asked me which book I read that from...I told her it was common sense.

For December, I will try and sleep 8 hr everyday. The 8 hr challenge. This is hard. I have so much to do and so much training. But this is my challenge. I talk about it...let's do it.

A few weeks ago, I posted about a brother in my Church that is having open heart surgery. Here is an update. He was on the operating table for five hours and the doctor failed to cut the nerve. During the surgery he has to be conscious the whole time so he can make his heart rate goes up. I will be visiting him tomorrow and see how he is doing.

Have a great week everyone....I am going to Tremblant next weekend..woohoo I can't wait to hit the slope.


Anonymous said...

That's probably the toughest training exercise I have ever heard of in my life, honestly :) It's a good idea though. I think most of us tri-geeks find training the easy part, because we enjoy it, but it's the stuff that we don't really want to do that really show character and dedication. Best of luck to ya!

Anonymous said...

As everyone keeps saying on my blog: 8hrs sleep is a true accomplishment in and of itself. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time at Tremblant! Flurries are forecast for Saturday so it should be just grand!

Anonymous said...

So not cutting the nerve is bad or good, I only remember the prior post slightly?

I can't even eat fast food anymore, if I do I feel like crap and stuck in the bathroom all night :P I'm with you on the sleep thing though, I'm luck if I get 6hrs per night but I definitely need at least 8 if not 9hrs.Just too many things to be done during the day.

Anonymous said...

well....I mean when you're not working :P

Cliff said...

Cutting the nerve is a good thing. The nerve is what's causing the prob.

Anonymous said...

great blog!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the sleep challenge and my prayers go out to your friend.

Anonymous said...
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Joshua Sham said...

You can join my sleeping club! I've officially decided that if you value sleep and can state that it's your number one hobby then you can become a member. Obviously, I am the president as I sleep 9 hours a day... lol, no, I wish I slept that much. Good luck with the 8 hour sleep goal!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cliff, I like your theory on a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is #1 because as you know then body recovers during sleep. May your nights be filled with many zzzzzzzzzz

PS Have fun up at Tremblant!

Anonymous said...

It's funny when we say we have too much to do to get more sleep. Sleep is what allows us the healthy body to do all those things. I've heard many times that people claim that when they add enough sleep, they find that they don't get any less done during the day because they are more productive at everything they are doing.

And when one chooses to sleep more, he is automatically choosing a more stress free lifestyle because he has to eliminate a lot of the activities that are taking up his time and causing him the stress to begin with.

Your philosophy is simple and true. I'm going to also try to follow it more diligently

Anonymous said...

So they just die of no air?
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