Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gone cyclingI have some doubts about going long after last weekend when my legs were super tired. This is all in my head. Be serious now. Sunny, cool weather. Hours on the road. What more can I want? Yesterday, I mapped out a route from my city to Cambridge. The whole trip ain't that far. About 116 km (72 miles). I tried to go to places I haven't gone before. So today is the day. YES.

It's legit...they charge my credit card...July 22, 2007. Here we go :)


Born To Endure said...

Yay!!! You're going to be an IRONMAN!! And "only" 72 miles..sheesh..wise guy!!

Trisaratops said...

Now it's official!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

wow, I couldn't imagine paying that much for a race. hope you do well.

D said...

It's official! How exciting. By the way, thanks for the advice, I may take you up on it and then the parents will all kick my butt!

Carrie said...

No going back now. Congrats on making the big purchase.

Comm's said...

I really like that banner. red, white and blue all the way. and now you call pull us into your summer with your race next year.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on signing up Cliff. Sometimes that is the hardest part. Okay maybe there will be a few things a little more difficult along the way to your IM.

Rae said...

Way to go!!!! Let the countdown to IM begin!!

jennybchu said...

Wow.... :S

That is worth my flight to Toronto!
Anyway, you enjoy that bike ride of yours and bask into God's creation.