Thursday, July 13, 2006


The calm before the storm..

Charge!! (Darren, are u in this pic? Are you the guy second from the right??)

First loop. Walk. Breathe...

Warm up is over...

Look ma, I GOT TEETH!

Oh bad position....

Inigo_Montoya and I on the run. (Note: If you read my past blog, Matthew (the guy I ran with ) is Inigo_Montoya. I saw him on the bike but didn't recognize him on the run :D)

I love this pic. This is about 7 km from the finish.
I am going up a little hill and I am starting to push it.

Keep those feet moving.

What are my hands doing?
Are they making secret hand signals??
Note: Hand signals make me run faster.


Habeela said...

Wow! Those are great pics! Definitely a photographer that knew what they were doing.

Mike said...

Ditto Habeela's thoughts...those are a ton of great shots from one race!

The hand signals shot is great- way to push on the final stretch!

TriZilla said...

Awesome pics, Cliff!!! Wow! You look fantastic :)

Trisaratops said...

Great pics! I feel like I was there! :)

Hilda said...

In all the photos you seem to be enjoying, that what those photos transmit, how nice!!

I'll check closely those hand signals :)

Sarah Lukas said...

I think like a lot of people said, great shots and you looked really strong in them. Nothing compared to some of my bike pictures that look hideous. Woo! And a nice smile to show it for!

Eric said...

Great race pictures and report. The big thing I got from your report was that you were happy and felt the race was a success.

Finishing is what matters.


Emily said...

look at those pearly white TEETH! :)

William said...

Great pics, I love the one 7k from the finish too.

D said...

Great photos - you look nice and strong Cliff!

Chris said...

Great pics! You know, I always look at my run pictures and wonder if I really look like that when I'm running. It's given me quite the complex.

Those are some amazing photos though. Hats off to whomever was taking them!

Rachel said...

Those are amazing pics! You photograph very well during a race! I can't believe you were able to smile like that on the bike! I'm usually sucking too much air.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics Cliff!

Ellie Hamilton said...

Fantastic photos and FANTASTIC ATHLETE!!!

As to the hand signals -- looks to me like you're "decerebrating" -- what people in a trauma or coma do when they're seriously oxygen-deprived and brain-damaged :-)

Bolder said...

those are some of the best triathlon pics evah! who was your secret photog?

nice finishing touch to an excellent race!!

i see iron in your future.

Thomas said...

Those are fantastic pictures! It looks like you really enjoyed yourself, and I agree with everybody else here; you look really strong!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Great pics, Cliff. Congrats on a good race.

Stay tuned...

Nic said...

Cliff, you are RIPPED! ;) Great job on the race.

Trifrog said...

Gruesome thought, Ellie, but I think you got it right.

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Sweet pics. You look very strong. It's like you had your own personal photographer at every turn. What could be better!

Papa Louie said...

I need a photographer like you have. Great action shots.

Nancy Toby said...

Those are fantastic photos!

Have you figured out what your secret hand signals mean? Or is it so secret nobody told you?

E-Speed said...

HOLY COW! GREAT FREAKING PICTURES CLIFF! Looks like you had a blast!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Wow, you've been busy. Sorry I haven't been by. The pictures are awesome. You look and did great. Congrats.