Today woke up at 6:30 am. I didn't get to the pool by 7:30 as I had to clear the snow. God dumped half a foot of snow in my backyard. Maybe it was from dgc (I asked her to ship some over yesterday).
I am never comfortable at the pool. Too many people. Even with less people like today, I am still not comfortable. There were only six swimmers including myself. As each swimmer left, my paranoia increased. 20 minutes later, I was taking the chlorine bath all to myself.
Oh the life guard is watching over you. You have to kick really well. But you can't. You don't even know if you can kick at all. Argh....just go back to breastroke. You can do that easily. Why can't you kick? There must be something wrong with you. Maybe the coach is not giving you the right drills. You should try doing something different....
As the negativity hovers over me, I found myself stutter here and there. One kick will go off wrong and ended up using my knees. Stand longer than usual before another drill. Trying to look calm and relax.
Finally, after five minute I have enough of this negativity. It is time to rationalize my brain. I didn't pay all this money for training and gears for nothing. Cliff, you have done things in your life which you thought it was impossible and still overcome. Third, why not give it a shot? Keep an open mind. If I have to splash around for a month to learn to straighten my feet....would that be worth it? YES....and the little voice quietly fades away.
The pool is small (25 m) and is shallow. I can't do any vertical kick. The

I would stop every 5 min and sit on the pool and kick in the water and stretch my ankle. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4...flatten foot, kick up...relax...flatten other foot, kick up...relax...rinse and repeat.
The frustrating part is not the drills. It is not the humuliation...(I am sure this is all in my head). The hard part is not sure whether you are making progress. I can't tell if I am doing the drills right. Well....the next swim class is on sunday...will speak to the coach. Until then, I am going to hit the pool every opportunity I can. Today after work, jog then splash for an hour. Tomorrow splash, bike, splash. Sunday 10 am, second lesson with Coach Kelvin.
Thanks for the support guys.....learning to freestyle is on the top of my to do list for 2006 ;D
Where I swim the lifeguards are all from the college swim team. The entire time I swim I think about them laughing their butt off watching my stroke. I sometimes wonder if they place bets on if I will make it to the end of the pool. Good luck with the swimming!!
Keep up the work, Cliff. I know you can do this! :)
Sounds like you're putting in the work Cliff. Keep it up.
Don't worry that anyone is watching you, Cliff. Unless it is a paid coach they are in their own little world and don't care what you are doing...unless you scream for help! So just focus on breathing and staying relaxed. Do the drills and keep swimming. It'll come to you, just watch.
focus on the good stuff and pray for salvation on the rest of it.
I sometimes get that paranoid feeling too, but then I look over at the guy swimming with the diver's mask and snorkel. He swims like crazy; doesn't get very far, and takes pride in his workout. If he can do his with no shame, then so can I...
How the tide has changed (for me)... Swimming used to be the weakest event for me, but now, thanks to loads of practice, it has improved to being at least as bad as my running and cycling. :)
Seriously though, if I have one word for you to master the swim, it is "RELAX". If you have to go slow, go SLOW, but make sure you are comfortable in the water. Once you are relaxed and comfortable, the rest just comes with practice.
If Peter can walk on water just by keeping his eyes on Jesus, you can swim!
Sounds like you need to sign up for the "Splash and Dash". With all that splash training you would be a shoe in for a medal. Don't get all bent out of shape on the swim. In fact, most triathletes have to overcome the same hurdle. You are better off doing it right from the start so you don't develop bad habits. If you ask me, you're doing things just the right way.
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